Easter extravaganza: Where to find chocolate, the show and more in Sydney
By Jay Chabon
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.
Plus an extra-long weekend.
Isn’t Easter just the greatest?!
Apart from that there’s weeks of events to celebrate the occasion.
It’s pure, unadulterated fun.
So be a big kid again, and make the most of it.
Book yourself in at Y Hotels for the Easter break and you’ll be just a hop, skip and a jump away from the best and brightest Easter events.
Better hop to it!

Easter show
The Sydney Royal Easter Show is an institution going way back before our time.
But we too have a lifetime of wonderful Easter Show memories.
From cuddling up to cute farm animals (those adorable baby chicks always were our favourite), to watching the strong men swing an axe with ease in the woodchopping race, and marvelling at the larger-than-life fruit and vegetable displays.
Staying out late for the ringside shows and fireworks in the main arena, with a battered sav and hot chips for tea, was always a treat.
So too trying our skill at games and novelties in the sideshow alley (the laughing clowns drew us in every time).
And of course the real test came when deciding on a shortlist of showbags, then making our final selection.
Our tastes in showbags would often come and go, but there was always a Bertie Beetle in our collection every year!
Oh, and the rides of course.
The ghost train, no matter how hokey, always got a scream out of us!
The show is back from March 17 to 30, as big and bright as ever, at Sydney Showground in Sydney Olympic Park.
Tonnes of fun for everyone!

Easter parade
We admit that we’ve so far failed to mention another very important thing about Easter.
For Christians it’s a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
In Sydney, thousands of faithful from all manner of ministries, churches and denominations will mark the occasion with a colourful parade through the CBD on Easter Monday (March 28).
The Sydney Easter Parade and Family Day invites everyone to enjoy the spectacle of the parade and the fun of a picnic in Hyde Park.
More than 3000 paraders are expected to march to the theme of “Unstoppable Faith” with giant inflatables, animal costumes, marching bands, stilt-walkers and other creative and colourful displays lighting up the city’s streets.
Then it’s off to the park for entertainment, rides and kids’ activities.

Family fun
While we’re on the subject of fun for the whole family, over at The Showring in the Entertainment Quarter in Moore Park there’s an event devoted to exactly that, and entry is free!
The Dodo Sydney Family Show (March 19-28) has all the things you’d expect to see from a carnival-style event at Easter: animals, rides, showbags, games and live entertainment.
While we’re yet to experience what this event is all about, we’re loving the prospect of interacting with the cute and cuddly critters at the animal nursery and intrigued about the chance to cheer on a racing pig!
Our beloved Bertie Beetle is in the showbag selection, the dodgem cars and giant slide have us ready to ride, and our favourite laughing clowns are set for sideshow alley.
The kids will no doubt migrate to the Minions musical experience while we older generations can get reacquainted with Charlie, Snoopy and Lucy at the Peanuts show.

Egg hunt
Follow the map and complete the activities (appropriately Easter-themed with a bunny hop sack race and egg guessing game) for the ultimate reward – chocolate!
We’re sold and so are the more than 1000 children who participate in The Great CP Egg Hunt each year.
The popularity of this annual event in the great outdoors of Centennial Park mean it’s best to book early for the March 26 and 27 events.
The Easter Bunny and Bilby will be on hand to greet eager hunters at the end of their journey, or just for a cute picture or cuddle.
A fun family day out with the promise of plenty of chocolate. What could be better?
What’s your favourite way to celebrate Easter? Tell us in the comments section below.